The Certified Holistic Health Practitioner (CHHP) program focuses on client interactions and practical knowledge so you can effectively lead others on their road to better health. This curriculum covers, in-depth, the essential techniques that natural health practitioners use to support their clients.

Emphasis is placed on understanding the many health challenges that commonly drive clients to seek natural healthcare and the most effective recommendations to support the whole person.

The Certified Holistic Health Practitioner (CHHP) program builds upon the foundations taught in the Certified Natural Health Professional (CNHP) program. Enrollment in this program requires completion of the CNHP program. Those with healthcare experience may be eligible to test into the CHHP program, with the successful completion of a placement exam. Call 800-428-0408, option 2, for more information.

In a proactive step for our students, our ND program was updated, expanded, and renamed the Certified Holistic Health Practitioner (CHHP) program in 2017. This program is eligible for Board Certification through the American Natural Wellness Practitioners Board (ANWPB). Upon passing the ANWPB certification exam, a graduate may choose a title that matches their practice philosophy and state laws from several options offered, including Board Certified Doctor of Naturopathy. For more information, please visit

Now taking enrollments for the March 31, 2025 class start.

Call an Enrollment Specialist at 800-428-0408, option 2, or click the button below to enroll.

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Upon completion of this program, you may work as a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner with your certificate from Trinity. You may also board certify with the following accreditors and choose an additional title.

  • American Association of Natural Wellness Practitioners (AANWP) — Board Certified Natural Wellness Practitioner, Board Certified Christian Wellness Practitioner, Board Certified Functional Health Practitioner, Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Board Certified Traditional Naturopath, Board Certified Naturopathic Practitioner, or Board Certified Naturopath
  • American Natural Wellness Practitioners Board (ANWPB) — Board Certified Traditional Naturopath, Board Certified Naturopathic Practitioner, Board Certified Naturopath, Board Certified Doctor of Naturopathy, Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor, Board Certified Doctor of Natural Health, Board Certified Doctor of Holistic Health, or Board Certified Doctor of Functional Health
  • American Academy of Drugless Practitioners (AADP) — Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner
  • Health Coach Alliance (HCA) — Registered Health Coach (must complete both HC and CNHP) or Registered Health & Nutrition Counsellor (must complete HC, CNHP, and CHHP)
  • International Association of Natural Health Practitioners (IANHP) — Registered Natural Health Practitioner or Registered Naturopathic Counselor

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What You Will Learn

  • Client presentations of common health concerns and the most effective recommendations to support specific demographics, including men, women, expectant mothers, children, and seniors
  • Practical applications of herbology, iridology, aromatherapy, and Bach Flowers, advanced pH balancing with Reams Biological Theory of Ionization (RBTI), and homeopathy
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine theory and its core components, such as physical observations (face, tongue, and nail analysis), reflexology and other forms of body and energy work, acupressure, and cupping
  • How to support clients who suffer from internal conditions such as parasites, yeast overgrowth, heavy metal toxicity, or Lyme disease and its many coinfections
  • Methods to balance energy, how to avoid energy exhaustion, and emotional release techniques
  • Advanced client testing methods, including muscle response testing, bioenergetics, and laboratory analysis, with introductions to therapies such as Rife, far infrared, cryotherapy, energetic mud-packing and more
  • Simple business and marketing strategies to help start and advance your professional career

Learn. Demonstrate. Transform.

Our courses are delivered through the online learning management system, Canvas. Each week students receive lecture material in the form of voiced PowerPoint presentation, video, or reading assignment. Students participate in weekly discussions and activities which provide practical application of their skills and offers peer interaction and instructor feedback. Progress is documented in weekly quizzes and a comprehensive final examination at the completion of each 4-week course.

At the end of the CHHP program, students submit case studies and participate in a practicum. Through case studies, students are assessed on their interpretation of the client’s data and suggested recommendations. During the practicum, students are assessed on their competency of the technical skills pertaining to their designation. Within the practicum, students also complete a comprehensive certification exam.

Estimated time of completion: 36 Weeks

Pay in Full: $3,800

  ($4,000 - 5% Paid in Full discount)

Make a one-time payment of $3,800 and avoid the hassle of making payments. When you pass each course, you'll move into the next course without delay.

Canvas access to weekly modules is included in your tuition.
Books and supplies may be purchased through our affiliate partner, Thriving 4 Health.

The CNHP program is the prerequisite for the CHHP program. New students must begin with the CNHP program and then progress to the CHHP program.

Those with healthcare experience may be able to test into the CHHP program. Please call to verify eligibility for the placement exam.

HP210-270 are independent of each other and may be taken out of order, depending on which course is being offered that term.

After passing HP210-270, case studies will be completed.

After successfully completing case studies and reaching the payment requirements, students will participate in the online practicum. During the practicum, a comprehensive certification exam is administered.

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